Spearfish High School to Receive New School Addition, More Education and Career Opportunities

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Article taken from https://www.newscenter1.tv

SPEARFISH, S.D. – A major addition is on the way to Spearfish High School, but will take some time before fully implemented.

Officials have started construction on a new Career Technical Education Center, which will open in the Spring of 2024. The new facility will give students the opportunity for real-world job experience.

The programs added with the arrival of the new building will be geared towards medical science, building trades and automotive, along with robotics and automation-related areas.

Superintendent Kirk Easton hopes to bring in professionals in those field from whom the students can learn.

The programs added with the arrival of the new building will be geared towards medical science, building trades and automotive, along with robotics and automation-related areas.

Superintendent Kirk Easton hopes to bring in professionals in those field from whom the students can learn.

“They will bring them in to offer expertise — like in the building of a house, offer career guidance, if they are interested in attending school, what the minimum wages are like, things like that. The job opportunities are here in Spearfish,” Easton said.

Increased demand in building services and materials have delayed the career tech education center, but right now all things seem to be pointing toward the Spring 2024 opening.

Article taken from https://www.newscenter1.tv

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