Street & Utilities
When it comes to street & utilities projects, R.C.S. Construction, Inc. is no stranger. We’re proud of the work we’ve performed over the years on various road construction projects. R.C.S. Construction, Inc. is a name you can trust to come in on time and on budget on your next road construction or utility project. Our experience means we’re able to prepare for any potential situations that might arise during the project. Our fleet of vehicles is ready to tackle road construction projects of any size.

As road construction and street & utility project experts, we have years of experience with:
- Self-performing rough grading
- Water and sewer lines
- Placement of aggregate base course
- Construction of concrete inlet structures
- Placement of curb and gutter
- Pans and fillets
- Placement of Portland cement concrete pavement
- Saw cutting and joint filling
- Coordination of asphalt concrete pavement
- and much more.
R.C.S. Construction, Inc. has performed road construction for many of the municipalities in and around the Black Hills. Our street & utility projects speak for themselves, and our work is guaranteed to satisfy.
At R.C.S. Construction, Inc. we own and operate our own heavy equipment to excavate, backfill and compact utility trenches.
When it comes to utility work, we’ve worked closely with many different municipalities over the years.

As a trusted western South Dakota construction company, we are State and City licensed for installing:
- Water line mains and services
- Storm sewer piping
- Sanitary sewer piping
- Electrical and gas line trenching
- Pipeline televising and digital data management.
We are extremely well-versed in the policies and procedures that accompany utility work. For your next road construction or utility project, turn to the experienced and trusted professionals at R.C.S. Construction, Inc. Contact us today and experience the customer satisfaction that R.C.S. Construction, Inc. can bring to your next street & utility project.